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Graphic Designer Desk


"A Journey toward Network Automation."

Join me as I embark on a journey to learn how to automate modern Networks. My aim is to build skills and expertise from the ground up! I'll be sharing my experience, resources I am using and what I am learning each step of the way. I hope my experience will help others! May the Network Automation Force be with you!

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The Future awaits the Network Automation Engineer!

A new dawn for Network Engineers is not on the horizon any more. Dawn is here. Admittedly, when I became interested in Network Technologies I used to think that Network Engineers are just a cut above the rest.
Becoming certified as a Network Associate was like a mountain before me and something that I hoped to attain, but it seemed like the impossible climb. Not long after I finally got certified, did I realise that the goal post has shifted once again. The buzz word all around was automation. But automation would mean I would have to learn how to code! Can I learn coding? Would I like to code? I’m sure for many ‘old-school’ Network Engineers the idea of having to learn a completely new skill is daunting. It is for me, but I’ve had a taste of what scripting can mean for my work and it’s awesome. So if you're eager to learn automation skills, follow my blog and see how I progress.

The goal is clear. Don't get left behind in the past. Move with the times.

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‘Maybe you’ve been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.’


“It’s all to do with training: you can do a lot if you’re properly trained.”

Queen Elizabeth II

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Nelson Mandela

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